Video content: The film revolves around two characters Morley Emma (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess). They first met in 1988 during a graduation ceremony at the University of Edinburgh. He is a handsome rich element, what the guy is very favorable, especially in a field. She was a frail girl, but lively, came from the popular classes, dreamed to be a writer and not much luck with men. The couple went through a weird but memorable night together. They agreed to meet every day 15 / 7 every year will be the day only for each other, to portray the joy, happiness and sadness, confusion and excitement of a love bizarre. But the petty life has pulled them away from each other more and more. But somewhere, on my life journey, they both realize that they keep on looking and looking forward to being there waiting for them ever since.